Test your new products & designs with 5-second tests

Get your customer's feedback before launching a product or design. Understand what impact your brand and marketing content are having on your customers.

5-Second Test
5 second test for a landing page

Why just 5 seconds?

By restricting the viewing time to 5 seconds, it forces the participant to focus on the most prominent elements of the design. It simulates the quick scans users often do when browsing new content.
Keyword selection question

Fun, gamified experience

By making our tests feel like a game, we've found that customers are more likely to participate and provide honest, insightful feedback when questions are presented as games.
Keyword selection question

Share your survey in emails, SNS, and product inserts!

Send standalone surveys easily via links or QR codes. You can now send NPS surveys by inserting a link in your automated email. Get product feedback by printing out product inserts with a survey QR code. Also, drive more sales by putting surveys on SNS & give away incentives!
Reward modal after completing 5 second test

Get engagement & repeat purchases with incentives

Gojiberry integrates with Shopify's coupons and 3rd-party apps like easyPoints to reward your customers for giving feedback. Keep your most loyal and engaged customers coming back to your store!